Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Terra Cotta Incognito (what if...?)

each day, i come to a new realization about life. things like "she doesn't like you like that" or "you cant pay in line." but the past few days, the vibes have told me something new... "what if things happened differently?" only my closest of close friends know what that means, but it could also mean things like: what if i had've played the baritone, and what if i hadn't made that purchase... but we all know thats not what it means.

Fate is a devious thing. want to know what else is devious? (i've got to say it. i can only write what is on my mind and i cant write what isnt.) but to do so i have to use a word i dont like using... the "L" word. (ok stop hiding it, jon.. LOVE IS DEVIOUS) now that THAT is out of the way, i come to the point.

What if fate had treated me differently as far as love is concerned? What if for anyone really. What if i had've gone out with her.. what if the girls hadn't laughed at me in kindergarden for making sweet and sour mud candies in my shorts... (it was mud) what if things had've worked out differently? The question sometimes produces the response "i'm glad things worked out the way they did" and sometimes propogates "WHY DIDN'T THAT HAPPEN!?!!?!?!?!!" sometimes both at the same time.

is fate looking out for us? does it really hate me? what does it have yet to show me? am i ever going to get a girl? if we knew the answers to all the questions, would we still ask them, and what would we do differently? would knowing all the answers HURT us or HELP us? What if we knew from day 1 who we were to spend the rest of our lives with? what if we knew from day 1 when and where bad things were going to happen to us and we prevented them? could we? if we KNEW when we were going to get hurt by someone, would we assosciate with them anyway? or would we put miles between us and them? if we knew who were our TRUE friends and who were comers and goers, what would our social lives be like?

i dont know whats been going on... is this my manifesto? or is this going to prove to be my most hated work? SHOULD I TELL HER HOW I FEEL?

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Ode to Matsui (or, a glimpse at fortune cookies)

"love gives zest to your life" "you are open and honest in your philosophy of love" "one look is worth ten thousand words" "it is not your character to give up" "keep true to your dreams" "your life will be happy and harmonious" "someone you recently met will play an important role in your life" "an unconventional charmer sparks your interest" "somebody wants to hug you"

---these are just a few of the fortunes in my pocket. most of them are recent. some arent. they all have had an impact on my life in the sense that for the past year and three months or so, i haven't had the best luck with the female part of the species. (well i suppose you could tac on a few more months if you take that part literally)

i know this post is a little bit more "mushy" than my usual posts but ive found that the best blogs come from the heart. and that is right where this one is coming from! i dont know what to do. confusing. and hard to figure out.

there is someone out there for everyone. this i know. (for the Bible tel.........) so for those if you in a similar position as i, have hope. for "a pleasant surprise is in store for you"


posting time is here!

i say, my p0sting has been a little absent in the recent days. so i'll give you another made up story. but this will be with no punctuation

i went to the store to buy some candy and guess what i saw i saw a bag of the best canddy in the world i cant believe that this candy was here and i haven't found it in all these years i've been in quest for this special candy and at last i found it i cant believe how fortunate i am i am the man so anyways not to ramble but i picked up the bag of candy and inspected it and i found it to be in perfect condition so i took it to the register stopping at the fresh produce section first and stopping for some jonny apples or whatever you call them and i bought the bag of candy and immediately i ate one and it was the best piece of candy i ever ate excluding the first time i had a candy like that you know they say that the first time is the best so anyway the moral of this story is not to do drugs

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

well well well... what have we here?

gomer pyle and john kerry


Yep...today's the day. My host brother from Germany, Jan-Peter, and a lot of his friends came over to little ol' Conway Arkansas today to stay here for a few weeks. It's already been great fun...but i don't know what to do with him when I'm doing homework and such. haha, its great that he goes to bed early though...that way i can have time to do my homework instead of just entertaining him.
Anyway, i have nothing else to say so.....Tschüs!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Finally my huge nose pays off!

So I was reading my book for history and i came accross this footnote: "It is a common superstition in many societies that the size of a man's nose relects the size of his penis." I don't know if you can tell from my picture of not...but my nose if freakin' huge! Now i'm not saying anything...
Anyway, its been rainy...and I want it to stop because we have band contest on Tues. and if it doesn't stop we won't get to practice any beforehand and we'll suck the big nut.
That's all I got for now boys and girls...

Friday, October 08, 2004

rainy day

i dont like rainy days. especially today. it just should not rain tonite. goodness

well, we've had a productive day.. we've been watching "home on the range" for the past 110 minutes of class. oh what fun.

its friday, its late, and me and bill are tired of takin trips.

oh poor cows, they just sold the farm to the bad guy! (much obliged, sherrif!)

anyway, i'm gonna go. salutations and fairwell.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

i havetn posted in a very long time

the title says it all. jon is anoying but we are gonna go to sellers road tomorrow and launch some fireworkd off

down with the buffers

the bactospreaders are far superior to the buffers. the buffers stink so badly at labs... they... mess them up all the time... right...


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

there's something wrong.. I'M CLEANING MY ROOM!


Tuesday, October 05, 2004

well well well.. we've unearthed a plot!

i've researched more into the bread catastrophe, and i've discovered some SHOCKING news. the bread in question, the multi-colored bread, is actually just a disguise. my thinking was that it was the brown (wheat) bread only masked by artificial food coloring. IT TOOK MY BY STORM! the colored bread is really the WHITE bread in disguise! can you believe that? the white bread is trying to make consumers feel sorry for him by making us think that the brown bread is out to get him, when really he is the criminal mastermind of this culinary crime! i've been tricked. ooh the poor brown bread.. you think that through genetically engineering your bread, that it will be much better than the breads of the 18th century but we were wrong. OH WHOLE WEAT HOW WE HAVE MISTREATED YOU! you just cant beat mother nature.why try and top what you've had when you've already got whatcha need. i am truly upset.

Monday, October 04, 2004


Holy crap! I have been reading Dracula for English. It's weird enough by itself, but try reading it at night before you go to bed! I find myself startled by every little noise and become paranoid. I really should read when its still light outside but I don't have time. That book is so freaky.
Anyway, now for a happier note. The Germans that us Conway kids stayed with this summer are coming to Conway next Wednesday. We're all very excited. It's gonna be great, except that I feel my schoolwork will suffer. You see...Germans like to party...a lot. so I will have to entertain Jan-Peter constantly lest he die from boredom. Hopefully we can keep them all away from the alcohol though...
Auf Wiedersehen!

HELLO! (HELLo HELlo HEllo Hello hello...) quite an echo in here

yes, its been almost a week since the last post. productivity is down. but hey. i've had almost 6 days to think about it; this the ultimate post.

I went to the grocery store yesterday to purchase a half gallon of whole milk. or was it a whole gallon of half milk. whatever color your horse, i was to purchase something smelling of dairy. (and cow defecation, if it was the whole milk that i was to purchase). meanwhile, my eye is caught! (wham) and my attention is diverted off of the dairy case and onto the baked-goods section. what did i see but RAINBOW-colored bread. this rendered me speechless for a few moments. rainbow-colored bread would for certain reset the boundaries between the two races of bread. you could no longer descriminate agianst the brown (or as the politically correct say it "wheat") bread, because at least 1/6 of the rainbow bread was in fact brown. OTOH, we have the white ("nutritionally enhanced") bread. then i am dumbfounded when i discover that in the rainbow bread, there is no white swirl! is this an attempt at kicking the nutritionally enhanced white bread out of the race for the head-of-baked-goods isle? this third party candidate, what are his crudentials. is there substance behind his coat of many colors? or is it all a bunch of hoopalah aimed at tearing down the king of processed breads? is the wheat bread behind this? did he secretly pay mr colorful to show himself off so that mr white would be cut down? how does rye feel about this? what is his take? should this new-comer to the bread market be further investigated? is he a fony? who does he think he is coming in here and trying to de-throne the king? cant he decide on a color? "oh.. you think yellow is best? well i've got yellow! green! great!" thinks he's soooo smart..

this of course will be investigated more in depth in the coming days, but for now, lets conduct a pole to decide who should be the king of rising-yeast goodness.