Terra Cotta Incognito (what if...?)
Fate is a devious thing. want to know what else is devious? (i've got to say it. i can only write what is on my mind and i cant write what isnt.) but to do so i have to use a word i dont like using... the "L" word. (ok stop hiding it, jon.. LOVE IS DEVIOUS) now that THAT is out of the way, i come to the point.
What if fate had treated me differently as far as love is concerned? What if for anyone really. What if i had've gone out with her.. what if the girls hadn't laughed at me in kindergarden for making sweet and sour mud candies in my shorts... (it was mud) what if things had've worked out differently? The question sometimes produces the response "i'm glad things worked out the way they did" and sometimes propogates "WHY DIDN'T THAT HAPPEN!?!!?!?!?!!" sometimes both at the same time.
is fate looking out for us? does it really hate me? what does it have yet to show me? am i ever going to get a girl? if we knew the answers to all the questions, would we still ask them, and what would we do differently? would knowing all the answers HURT us or HELP us? What if we knew from day 1 who we were to spend the rest of our lives with? what if we knew from day 1 when and where bad things were going to happen to us and we prevented them? could we? if we KNEW when we were going to get hurt by someone, would we assosciate with them anyway? or would we put miles between us and them? if we knew who were our TRUE friends and who were comers and goers, what would our social lives be like?
i dont know whats been going on... is this my manifesto? or is this going to prove to be my most hated work? SHOULD I TELL HER HOW I FEEL?