Monday, January 31, 2005

the lost BACTO

its been a while since ive posted. eagles are gonna win the super bowl (for all of you that don't know that) tomorrow is a stupid math test thingy, its gonna be pretty gay. i'm sick at the moment, i've been caughing for a very long time, but i will get better. i am off now ppl, post again in another eleventy billion years.

Monday, January 24, 2005

a fork in the road

this is going to be pretty deep. let me go ahead and say that i am well aware that this title infringes on the copyright laws owned by PoRo

ok. let me break it down for you. the forks are stated here
  1. Welcome to fork 1. Warm in here, eh? on this fork, we have such potential. 2 potentials, actually. first, the potential for something to work out very nicely, leading to an insane amount of happiness. OR we have the potential for poo. do the pro's outweigh the con's? part of me wants to say yes, part of me disagrees.
  2. Here is fork 2. a littlle chilly in here. here we go. SIT ON MY LAZY REAR AND DO NOTHING ABOUT IT. leavinig me with the possibility of saving myself from certain humiliation. or i could be preventing myself from being happy, and leaving me with the question "what if?"

so... should i take the trip or not? respond yes or no, and state your reasoning. or is that a trick question? your thoughts please

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


i dont know why i'm posting

scroll down

keep going

keep going



if you got down this far, congrats. you're a lewser, much like hannah

Monday, January 17, 2005

Happy Robert E. Lee Day, everyone!

yes... much better

no word on the girl that sam is trying to hook me up with. havent met her yet. have been talking to her on AIM, and she seems nice. we shall see once i get to know her.

the necklace is still for sale, dont everyone jump at once


Thursday, January 13, 2005


Michael Jackson has just been arrested. apparently he broke the new "three tikes, your out" rule.

well guys it looks like i wasted *cough* $76.99 *cough* on that piece of silver i got ashlie. apparently i'm not worth waiting a month or two for. and to twist the knife, amidst the 2 week period that we didn't say a word to each other, i told her something, and then lied and told one of her best friends something different. strange. SO LADIES, IT LOOKS LIKE JON IS BACK ON THE MARKET. (please, no riots this time, guys.. come on)

so what am i going to do with this non-refundable-because-i-removed-and-trashed-the-price-tag beauty. anybody got any ideas? i was thinking

  1. wear it and make ALL the girls even more jealous than i already do
  2. sell it on ebay
  3. keep it and give it to another girl (thats low, but come on...)
  4. send it to one of my hollywood honeys
  5. melt it down and make bullets out of it to shoot.... a deer...... yes......
  6. bury it in her front yard

why is the brad pit/jennifer aniston breakup featured on the news before the golden globe "who wears who" scene? come on.. i mean who gives a flip?

im very tired


Monday, January 10, 2005

Blah, school and all

Well, back to the old salt mines aka school. Oh well, it's my senior year so that means I don't have to care this semster...woot. Going to U of A, partying 24/7...haha yeah right. More like studying 24/7 for my crazy major: chemical engineering (eww). Alas, though I don't have to worry so much about grades now...I must obtain scholarships lest my college experience be a living hell. It's not bad though.
On a sadder note, my Grandpa has cancer of the lung, brain, and who knows what else :( So if you're a religious type, please pray for him and his family, especially my Grandma. Thanks.

Happier note time...I'm a senior. Sweet, I just realized I'm getting an awesome free breakfast tomorrow at church! WOOT!

Ryan Boncheff

well i'm out of school for a week or so

yeah i'm at home, not at school.. not that i would be at school at 8 o'clock at night, but if i had to, i wouldn't be there.. i think.

still havent heard from the girl, kinda wondering about whats up. dont think i did anything, but you know how them women are.

hi sam

the packers suffered defeat at lambeau field yesterday to the minnesota vikings. i couldn't believe it, but it happened. i was pretty upset, but i'm past it now. they did make it farther than the steelers, so bill, POO ON YOU.

i'm hungry. what should i do?
  1. stay seated at the computer
  2. fall asleep
  3. fall asleep at the computer
  4. go get something to eat
  5. have my mom bring me something to eat
  6. have my mom bring me something to eat but fall asleep instead
  7. have my mom bring me something to eat but fall asleep at the computer instead

the choice is yours, audience! VOTE NOW

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Did you know....

... that the word "embargo" when spelled backwards is "ograbme?" get it.. like Oh grab me, but more direct. ograbme. very nice

it was a dark, stormy night

all region jazz clinic is friday, and i'm sort of looking foreward to it. it should be lots of fun. two dollar bills will not work in a coke machine, and some consession stands do not accept them. mean e's.

sunday we started work on Mr. B's Survivor audition video. i really hope that he makes it on. we worked hard to capture the right camera angles and all. he promised that i would get a cut of the million dollars if he won. here is a list of what i would do with a million dollars.
  • buy a new car
  • pay my overdue lunch charges
  • buy a 6 foot long steak and cheese sub from subway, with 179 sugar cookies and one white chocolate/macadamia nut.
  • buy something silver
  • good bye

Monday, January 03, 2005

and i'm back (with no new shoes, but i did get that "meet girls" shirt.)

happy new year, oh bloggites. i hope that this blog finds you well. please allow me to explore the several different choices of fonts that i can use. hm.. i think this is the one. i most definately like this.

right now we are watching the "live" report on channel one about the tsunami. i found it interesting how these very upset people are crying and being very upset (which is ok) and then the translator catches up and sounds like the "MS MICHAEL" that you can make say stuff on your computer. doesn't get the point across.


i hope everyone enjoyed the "penny-moose and pooh" episode on my photo-blog. we enjoyed making it. i also encourage everyone to view the "crying" episode of Homestarrunner's strong bad email. it is great.

well i'm out