Sunday, July 16, 2006

Gettin Lucky...

... In Kentucky!!!

Yeah I went to Jamey Aebersold's Summer Jazz Workshop at the University of Louisville in Kentucky this past week, and boy was it exciting. I ran into several interesting people including the former saxophone player for the Beatles (my combo teacher), Bobby Shew (famous trumpet player), the bass player from Earth Wind and Fire, and Slide Hampton (very famous trombone player). It was outstanding. I took some SWEET PICS for all of you to enjoy, so here you are!

this is our barf bag puppet that we made. the child in the background is my new pal Diego. he's a cool dude, but not half as cool as that barf bag puppet.

I took this with all of you in mind.. I just wanted you all to see for yourselves that men and women should NOT under ANY circumstances stand on opposite sides of bird baths with free floating squares over them. It is absolutely unacceptable.

Just so you know how to properly secure an infant into a floatation device. i mean, who really reads these things. especially now that they can get the highlights here on What Now. Because I'm looking out for you.

Slide Hampton

My Combo, and our instructor, Gene Walker (of the beatles)

Mr Aebersold giving us a lesson on jazz roots.

and a cool car that i got to sit in

well kids, thats all for now. Be good, and be safe, and keep in touch!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ups and Downs

Yeah, so this week has been really great, and really bad all at the same time. Wild? You bet.


In a tight spot? You just have to keep on truckin' and hope for the best. Is that right? I'm gonna try it. I'll tell you how it works out. IOW, don't give up, but don't push it. Be careful.

I leave Saturday for Louisville, Kentucky, to get my Jazz Camp on. Its a big boy camp, but we'll see how I do. I hope to sneak over to the Louisville Slugger bat company and look around. That'd be cool. I'll get back the next Saturday, so you kids be good while I'm gone, ok?

And just for the heads up, I move to UCA on August the 20th. Only a few more weeks of living at home. Its really bittersweet. I'm not sure how the parents will take it. They crack me up... They may not be taking it too well.

Well, be safe this week, and I'll catch up when I get back. Have fun