my last day of high school
Well guys, yesterday was my very last day of school! And might I say, that it was the most awesometacular last day I could EVER ask for! I also need to add that I have the most amazing group of friends in the entire world. for serious. for starters tho, we'll move to FIRST PERIOD-- ok so we didn't do anything except watch movies on my ipod. scandalous. but after first period, we're in the hallway talking by our lockers like always right? and the POWER GOES OUT. then it comes right back on a second later, not even giving the clocks time to get off. there was a collective sigh, that was filled with the aire of "nothing exciting ever happens here." but then, it happens. the power goes out again... and it stays out!!! for almost an hour and a half! but then, it came back on, and we didn't get to leave. but it was one huge party in our high school for that almost hour and a half. so we move onto lunch: come to find out, all my friends brought me this buffet of snack foods, and basically all the mountain dew I could drink! I couldn't believe it. I almost cried, like for real. with tears. but anyway, they are the best people in the entire world. to all of you- Melanie, Kelli, Jordan, Lauren, Lauren, and Celeste-- you are the GREATEST I could ask for!!! and beyond! they not only supplied us with not-school food, but they got me a freakin present! can you believe these guys!?!?! they got me this Picture-Collage-EXTREME that will forever stand tall and proud as the coolest gift anyone has ever given me! Tears almost becoming visible, now folks. i went to fourth period and was visited by Leslie, who had a sneak-attack on getting out of her fourth period class, so it was cool to not be lonely in the bandroom like usual. mr platt wasn't there either, adding to the awesomeness. now here's the sad part. I walked out to my car, for the last time, and was met by my group of friends at my car so we can all cry and say our good-byes. it was very emotional, and I did covertly shed a few wet ones. there was quite a bit of hugging, as well. it was sad, but a great end to my last day of high school. again, I thank all of you for being the best group of friends I could ever ask for! I love all of you!
enjoy some pictures. i suggest playing a slow and emotional song while viewing

Thank you guys for everything, I love you all! ('cept bill)
enjoy some pictures. i suggest playing a slow and emotional song while viewing

Thank you guys for everything, I love you all! ('cept bill)
i feel so embarassed. my appologies.
i stand before you today a broken, and miserable man.
Everyone needs to have a good cry every now and then...
heY jon! That post was BeAutifUl! I loved it! I know i sure did cry a lot! Like seriously..4th period..after by the cars..flag practice..then to my mom when i got was so sad..and its still sad..ya know having those empty lockers by us..:'( But ne*wayz..Love the pics..there so fetch! Well I had fun at ur movie nite last nite~ it was great! I didnt get in trouble for being home so late bc I called..lOl so thats good! Well..Ok i really need to go get ready bc hannah is coming to pick me up in like 20 min. and i have yet to start getting i better go..but im sure I'll talk to you this afternoon! Alright..Love ya bye!
:: Kelli ::
jon... that was soooo beautiful! it was intense. and they pics were awesome! of course! sweet action basically. but that is all i have time to say. so i love ya and i will ttyl!
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