THE TITANIC IS IN FREAKIN BRANSON! (its no wonder it sunk, its only half a ship.. but its a good thing they avoided all the lawsuits that might have happened if they didn't have all that handicap parking)

we got 4 inches of freakin hail. some places got up to 10 inches. GOOD GRIEF.

this is the holy grail of my pictures. i almost had an emotional breakdown when i took it. please view full. just understand that this picture took much work and about 50 takes that didn't quite turn out so well.

this is the Brown Family Farmhouse. it was originally a sod house on the same location built with the barn, but a tornado 150 years ago took out the house, leaving the barn standing. this house was built shortly after and still stands, and is still in our family. lots of history.

ye ol' family wagon

my life is a black spiral (thanks will)
Wow Jon..those are just so awesome! haha. I'm so glad you told me to come look at them. ;) lol. Well I'll see you tomorrow.
lol no problem. thanks for coming. i'll see you later
Hey hey. Thanks for everything..And making me feel better :D
no problem! anytime
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