uuuuhhhhh, arena schedualing is bad mmmmmmmmmmmkay
Today we recieved our information on getting our classes for next year. it started out fine until the rule started going around. Affective for seniors as such, no senior is allowed to take a math class and an english class in the same semester. WTF? what is the big deal? ill tell you why. whoever made up the class slots needs to be sent back to grade school. anyone that is in band has only one option in this mater, which is to take a math and english course in the same semester. when getting wind of this "Rule," Jon and I set out on our quest to FIGHT THE MACHINE. for the rest of the day we tried to suck up to the teachers enough to be able to go to the office and sort things out. we finaly got our break in Mrs. Cauthens class. Jon, Eric, and I went to the office only to find that there was a waiting list to see the counsoler. clearly they did not do a good job in setting up the classes. Thanks again Vilonia High School for placing money and time in front of the good of your students.
Pug Mahone
Pug Mahone