Sunday, September 12, 2004

Procrastination (Or, "Work-Time Expansion")

This post is meant as a means by which I can avoid working on my English paper for a little bit. Yes, it's due Wednesday, and no, I haven't typed up a rough draft yet, but hey, I'm blogging. Don't get between a man and his blog. Sucka.
Which brings me to my next point, "Work-Time Expansion." This has been researched and noted in several respected medical journals, which is why I'm telling you, the uninformed public, about it. It is basically illustrated by this: "For any worker, the time given to complete a task is directly related to the amount of time the worker will use to complete it." Thus, the more time I'm given to write this paper, the longer I will take to do it; the opposite is also true (less time given, faster work). This must be the intuitive human laziness at work, as I'm sure I'll get my paper done at this point, but I'm sure as heck not going to get it done early - why, that'd be plain Un-American!
So, to all you procrastinators out there, don't fear: it is not your own laziness, but a proven, undeniable natural law that causes you to slack off!
Hoo-ray. Back to work....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are an inspiration to us all, will dougherty! if it were not for you, i would have gotten my math homework done.... dare i say it.. early... ugh. can you believe that? you are a Godsend

7:48 AM  

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