election 2004
who will win. who will lose. is kerry and edwards gay?! we will find out maybe in the coming months when the elections start this november. let us hope that there is no mess ups in the ballots like last election. time will only tell when november comes around
solong buddays
solong buddays
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Hippie. Why don't we all paint flowers on our bug vans, buy some hemp sandals and meditate around a big pile of "dust". The title was "Election 2004", so back off on your comma usage and accept the fact that this isn't Greenpeace. Partisan issues are an integral part of elections and if you pretend they aren't we will just assume you are a Kerry supporter with no solid values or beliefs to talk about in the first place. Crap don't you kids read the news or anything?
ouch. you ok will?
oh. you seem shaken up...
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