Guaranteed to knock your pants off
holy crap. i mean really. i was watching Tech TV on saturday and they had an episode of cheat just for Halo 2. which i may remind you is the best game on earth. getting back to the piont. they talked about a little weapon called the scarab gun. this little gun can pack a big punch. it is the most powerful gun on the game. unfortunatley, it can only be accsesed on the second level. it is very very very hard to get. sam and i spend a good 40 minutes to an hour in aquiring the weapon. the first time we got it, i showed off the power to sam, i acidentaly looked down. WORD OF NOTE TO ALL, NEVER AND MEAN NEVER LOOK DOWN WHILE FIRING THE SCARAB GUN. you will die. Sam was very mad at me when i did that, we had to redo since i left the banshee up there and we had no way of getting back up there. after a few more tries, we managed to get the scarab gun, sam got it this time, he doesnt trust me in retrieving it now. and i dont blame him. we then proceded to film us messing around and shooting the weapon. if i can, ill try and load the video onto the website. no promises people. it is worth the trouble, you will be in for alot of fun, i implore you to get it.
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