Tuesday, September 27, 2005

i have lost count on fights

as many of you have noticed, both lunches were extended starting monday by 5 minutes. i never noticed there being a problem with the lunch schedule/passing period, but apparently others do not share that with me. so what the heck are we going to do with those extra 5 minutes? my lunch table shares the answer--

  1. learn italian
  2. do homework (yea right)
  3. develop your own "silly walk"
  4. express your emotions through artwork made by leftover ranch dressing
  5. perfect your "broccoli field goal challenge" technique
  6. make a new friend
  7. tell stories that are incredibly exciting but totally lie for every second
  8. explore the differences in the viscosities of any of the new milk flavors we have
  9. explore further why "Orange Smoothie" (1%milkfat) tastes like ranch, tea, and the buttery stuff left after you eat corn (not on country-style corn days, of course)
  10. develop your own philosophy into a 1000+ page book
  11. write a movie script for the movie "the boy who cried cabbage"

a special thanks to everyone at my lunch table- Derek, Eric, Trey, Stephanie, Kazmyn, Bill, and Lauren. OH and who can forget about our good buddy Jeff Pitts! thank you all!


Blogger Jon said...

oh and i forgot:
12. try and get anything stuck on your tray that will cause disharmony in the amazing pattern of jason the lunch-scraper man

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just b/c the assembly didn't directly cost the school, doesn't mean it wasn't illegal. Prayer in school was free but it was illegal. You are biased. -derek

2:12 PM  
Blogger Jon said...

you are biased because it wasn't a ____ __ ______ assembly. they didn't pray. and besides, class president eric set up the assembly with no help from the school, and he is an athiest.

7:01 PM  

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